Hear Today and Tomorrow
You’re invited to the Hearing and Speech Center’s hearing conservation event, Hear Today and Tomorrow! Please join us at the newly “Bar Rescued” Patriot House for drinks, appetizers, and to find out how to protect your ears! It’s a noisy planet, so we will be giving away earplugs and a door prize just for joining us. If you RSVP we will even buy your first drink!
Find out how to prevent noise induced hearing loss and buy raffle tickets to win custom ear protection. Approximately 15% of Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 (about 26 million people) have hearing loss that may have been caused by exposure to noise. Get the facts here!
Bring your earbuds along and test how loud you are listening. Find out if you are in the dangerous decibels zone! This event is for everyone who is exposed to noise. Musicians, DJ’s concert goers, police officers, firefighters, EMT’s, bar and restaurant staff, snoring sleep partners, and of course, BART commuters!
Raffle items include:
* Westone custom musicians earplugs with 2 Empire of the Sun Concert tickets at BillGraham Civic Center on September 19th, 2015
* Westone custom musicians earplugs with Fillmore concert tickets, TBA
*Starkey SoundGear for industrial work or gun range practice
* and much more!

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
Any age is welcome!
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
Located in Two Embarcadero. If you are standing on the corner of Front and Clay, look up and you will see it. The bar is a bit hard to find, but it’s on the Promenade Level. Directly above the One Medical office and across the bridge from the Movie Theatre. There is a parking garage in Two Embarcadero (0-4 Hours: $2.00 with validation for evening hours: 5pm to Midnight). Embarcadero Bart station is about 3 blocks away. Located on or near multiple Muni lines!
Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Jessie Johnson at the Hearing and Speech Center. (415) 921-7658 Ext 31 or jessie@hearingspeech.org
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?