Even with a well-fit hearing aid, communication can still present a problem for many hard of hearing individuals. H.E.A.R. U is an education series of information about hearing health and ways to better utilize hearing aids and get tips/strategies to maximize communication. Our series of four sessions, taught by Hearing and Speech Center audiologists cover four main areas:
1) Introduction to Audiology/Hearing Loss
2) Introduction to Amplification/ Troubleshooting hearing aids
3) Hearing Aid Accessories/Assistive technologies
4) What else can I do? (Communication Strategies, auditory brain training, support groups)
Be a successful hearing aid user and communicator! The HEAR U series is sponsored and offered free of charge to participants.
Upcoming Session Dates:
Tuesday January 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2014
For further information contact:
Mandy Burke, Au.D. Clinical Audiologist
(415) 921-7658 ext. 34 or mburke@hearingspeech.org